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The documentary "Secrets of Apulian Martial Arts" is the first of a new series produced by "Hic Sunt Leones". The documentaries will describe ancient traditions, that are still alive in Italy. Traditions of fighting, fencing, warrior rituals, or duels. Martial arts developed for centuries in the land of Italy. Each region is enriched with different traditions and cultures in the art of fight. Each century left a legacy. This is a beautiful journey, and we will do it with you. 


This year, the land of Apulia, in south of Italy, together with its variety of different martial art traditions, is the protagonist of our first documentary. Traditions still mantained alive. We will give voice to the masters who inherited the legacy. They will tell us their story. 

 The Journey of the Sun

is a series of documentaries. We will travel with you across Italy

over time and space. We will explore and discover our beautiful country, through the priviledged eye of martial art secrets and traditions 

Castel Del Monte (Castídde d'u Monte), Andria (Murgie), Apulia

[XIII century]

Insieme (alla spada) accorda l’anima Valente. Si Tu averai nel cervel tuo sale, el te bisogna qui considerare qual via s’adopra da salir le scale” 

Magistro Filippo Vadi
[De Arte Gladiatoria Dimicandi, 1480 circa]

all rights reserved © 2015 by Marco Quarta

HIC SUNT LEONES productions 

San Francisco Bay Area, CA 94305

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